How to Break Into Service Design From a UX Background

How to Break Into Service Design From a UX Background

Nao Madison
February 20, 2023

Service design could be your chance to influence at the c-suite. This is a very exciting time for design as we see the rise in a more holistic design approach which crosses over digital, physical and customer experience.

If you are looking to think more strategically, solve big human centred problems and still get hands-on with the creative, a career in Service Design could be for you.

When Service Design was still emerging around 20 years ago, it was being led by a few specialised agencies, such as Fjord, Mindlab, Livework and Engine. More recently, a number of new agencies have emerged, with a focus in Northwest Europe, the UK and continued growth across Scandinavian and Nordic regions.

A number of design-led and design thinking businesses have also established internal practices of their own, such as the acquisition of Idean by CapGemini and Adaptive Path by the financial firm Capital One.

Like in the world of UX, we have also seen a trend of brands and corporates building teams to bolster their capability, and in turn, focus on their customer and user experience.

To kick things off, let’s get our head around what Service Design is?

What skills will you need to make a transition?

Design thinking: This is the core. Using design stages to help us to understand a problem and provide a solution. Follow this link to read about the double diamond process.

Background: Experience in UX, Product/Industrial Design or Design Research and Strategy could be a really strong pathway into Service Design, plus Business Analysis, Sociology or Anthropology if you are looking at Service Strategy.

Empathy for people: Are you good at reading people and understanding their motivations? Have a look into…

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